Licensed mental health therapists from Zumbro Valley Health Center (ZVHC) are available to both RCTC and WSU-Rochester students. ZVHC services are confidential and all records are kept separate from RCTC Health Services records.
Appointments are required. Current RCTC students can schedule online at If you need assistance to schedule an appointment, please call 507-285-7261.
Winona State University-Rochester students will need call 507-285-7261 to schedule an appointment.
Counseling Visit types
Mental Health Therapy visit:
Cost Varies - Visit with a licensed mental health therapist for students struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and other mental health concerns. If the student has health insurance available to use, Zumbro Valley Health Center can submit the bill for this visit to the student’s insurance provider. If any portion of the visit is not covered by that insurance (co-payment, deductible, etc.) the student will receive a bill from ZVHC for the outstanding balance. If payment for this service is a concern for you, please communicate that with us. Our primary concern is your health and your success as a student, and we will work with you to determine if alternative funding may be available for you to use for this service.
Yellowjacket Check-In Visit: Free, one-time visit with a licensed therapist to discover individual strategies to manage your stress level.
Substance Use Assessment:
A confidential assessment is often the first step in exploring problematic use of substances. This assessment is completed in a FREE, one-time, one-hour evaluation where an alcohol and drug counselor will interview you in regard to your history of substance use, as well as other dimensions of health. Through a series of questions, the counselor’s objective is to give you a recommendation that best aligns with your current situation and needs. This assessment is completed in an off-campus location. For more information, contact RCTC Student Health Services at 507-285-7261.
Seleccione la oración que describa cómo ha estado pensando o comportándose.
Conteste una serie breve de preguntas acerca de usted y de cómo se ha estado sintiendo.
Reciba explicaciones detalladas sobre sus estados de ánimo y sus conductas.
Acceda a materiales informativos sobre lo que puede hacer para ayudarse a sí mismo.
Preocupada por mis hábitos de bebida
Trastorno por uso de alcohol
Mi estado de ánimo cambia bruscamente, de muy alegre a muy triste
Mi estado de ánimo cambia bruscamente, de muy alegre a muy triste
Estoy preocupado por mi comportamiento con los juegos de apuestas
Cuestionario breve para detectar o descartar trastorno por juegos de apuestas
Sentimientos de vacío o sin esperanza
Miedo a aumentar de peso o preocupado por mis hábitos de alimentación
Trastorno Alimenticio
Constantemente preocupado, ansioso
Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada
Preocupado por el uso de opioides
Abuso de Opioides
Experimentar ira o irritabilidad
Evaluación de la ira
Preocupado por acontecimientos traumáticos
Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático
Dificultad para controlar mi uso de sustancias
Uso de Sustancias
Registro de satisfacción con mi vida actual
Evaluación de Bienestar